Ms. K
“AZMBA is proud to offer Individual and Ensemble competition for the 2023 season.” Individual and Ensemble(I&E) is composed of individuals and groups of individuals who write and perform in front of a judge. This year’s I&E competition was held on October 28th at Basha H.S. and Ironwood Ridge H.S. A member of the Rattler Regiment choreographed and practiced her solo for hours on end. She performed the arrangement Who is She ? by I,Monster. After a long trip to Tucson, she placed 4th, competing against other color guard members from 4A and 5A bands. These bands have anywhere from 15-30 color guard members that have multiple instructors. Despite the difference in size and resources, she nonetheless stood toe to toe with them.

A few days before the State Championships she was offered a chance to perform in the I&E showcase at State. She accepted and performed one last time in front of her band. After the performance she said, “I almost didn’t perform, [but] that didn’t matter. I just wanted my band to watch. Hearing them cheer means everything to me.” After she performed she went and joined the band to collect awards. You must wonder ‘Who is She?’ She is one of our three NCHS drum majors, one of our color guard captains, and the writer of this article, Kristin Bazinaw.