Wouldn’t you like to save a life? Donating some of your blood would be an easy way to do it. North Canyon High School will be hosting a blood drive very soon!
If you want to participate in it and donate some of your blood (and possibly save a life) you will have to turn in a Minor Donor Form to a National Honor Society member or talk to Mr. Iorio in Room 156. Now you may be asking yourself some questions like: when and where will it be taking place? What are some requirements that you must meet in order to donate blood” Where will your blood go if you do donate it?
Luckily, I got an interview with Avary Phillips and Melody Scibona to answer your questions.
First, I started off by asking the general questions, What day will the blood drive be? “September 13th” they both said.
Where will the blood drive be taking place? “The North Canyon Auditorium lobby,” they both replied.
What are some requirements that students must meet in order to donate their blood? “They need to fill out a minor donor form and make an appointment with the QR code that is on the posters above all the water fountains,” said Melody Scibona.
“There is also a height and weight requirement which is found on the donor form,” said Avery.
Lastly, I asked them about where the blood would go if someone were to donate blood. “It can go to hospitals,” said Avery.
I then wanted to ask them about their thoughts on the blood drive. So I asked, What are your opinions on the blood drive? “I think we are saving lives,” answered Melody.
“I think it important that it teaches young kids the importance of donating blood and being involved in things like that,” Avery said.
If this has not convinced you yet, not only do you get to possibly save a life but you will also get a free complimentary kids combo from Canes as a thanks for your kind actions.