Swift Youth Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides youth with a safe place to have fun. Their motto, “Fun is just the start!” is just the beginning, as Swift Youth provides economically disadvantaged children with a free summer camp. They provide after-school and weekend programs, such as Swift Saturdays, Swift After School, Swift Carnival, & Camp Swift. They also provide teens and young adults with great and involved leadership opportunities surrounding these programs.
Camp Swift has been around since roughly 1983, with the main goal to “share the camp experience with kids who would otherwise not be able to afford it.” Throughout the years, countless kids have been met with this opportunity, enjoying that classic camp experience through Swift. Swift provides campers with basic needs including food, clothes, toiletries, towels, and bedding; as well as lots and lots of fun!
One other thing camp provides is an unforgettable experience. As a former camper, & current counselor, Swift Youth has been a core part of my growing up. Not only was I left with indelible memories, but I was also left with a sense of community, purpose, and family each year. Now, as a counselor, I’ve been given the opportunity to share that with the campers in my cabin and leave them feeling supported and cared for. There has never been a moment at camp I’ve taken for granted or felt unloved. Camp Swift has molded me into the person I am today, & continues to inspire young children to be active members of their community.
One of these unforgettable experiences at camp is Keppies. When kids arrive at camp, oftentimes essentials are forgotten or are not available for the kids to bring with them. This is where Keppies comes in. Keppies acts just like a shopping mall with tote bags to fill to the brim with all sorts of essentials at no cost to the kids. They can use these essentials at camp and take them home. This year, in addition to Keppies, Camp Swift aims to provide campers with brand-new bedding, pillows, towels, and stuffed animals. The goal is for every kid to have their personal bundle laid out to greet them at camp. However, it all comes down to cost.
If you or someone you know can donate to Camp Swift, please visit https://www.swiftyouth.org/donate.html to support the Swift mission.